DB’s 2020 COVID-19 Update

To everyone who is part of our DB’s for Diabetes family,
I have spoken with judges, sponsors, and supporters and would like to be honest with all of you also. With the ever-changing information pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have made the decision to cancel the 2020 DB’s for Diabetes event. This honestly has been one of the most difficult and heartbreaking decisions I have made as I know how much this event means to not only myself, but to all of you.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints rescheduling isn’t an option. The reason I have made this call this early is there is no way to predict the future and I don’t want to cancel this at the last minute when people have devoted time and money to an event that can’t happen. If there is any light at the end of the tunnel it is that this hopefully passes and we can make the “Return of DB’s” the biggest event Wisconsin has seen in 2021.
I do want to personally thank all of you for your many contributions and enthusiasm that have built this event to truly become something special that has touched the lives of so many. I thank all of the sponsors, volunteers, judges, participants, and supporters for being the foundation in which we have built such a positive platform.
Thank you all, our DB’s family, for everything you’ve helped achieve as one amazing group of people! Let’s look forward to one awesome 2021 and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
If you still want to donate to the JDRF you are welcome to do so at the following link, which will take you to the DB’s team donation page.
Thank you all so much!
The DBs Team